Erotic tickling or a spicy comedy theatre with live music (and no words)
Slovak premiere
Programme for the young and adults
Culture Centre Friday 20:30
Enjoy the capricious theatrical beauty! Love moves mountains, but passion does wonders to people. If you don't want to lose your heart, get out of the kitchen! A saucy comedy full of forest fruit and lovesick animals. Inspired by the play La Mirtilla (1588) written by the famous actress and writer Isabella Andreini. For ages 15 and up.
Geisslers Hofcomoedianten is a Prague-based independent theatre company combining old traditions with live, contemporary theatre. With the focus on baroque inspiration, their devised theatre results as a mix of old and new, poetic and lowbrow, tragic and comic, drama, music, puppetry and dance for your fun. Let’s baROCK!
Photo: Marianna Borecká