Are you writing about us? Feel free to download:

Rules for using the festival name:

  • In all instances, please, use the festival name in its registered format: Festival AMPLIÓN – Nový kabaret & pouličné umenie®
    (English: AMPLIFIER Festival – New cabaret & street art®)
  • Please use dashes instead of hyphens (this: – , not this:-)
  • Please, always use all caps in the word AMPLIFIER), even when used as part of a text.

Acquiring press accreditation

At AMPLIFIER, we welcome professional journalists who wish to write about the festival. In order to acquire press accreditation, please, fill out our online form and send it to us. Please, do not forget to include what kind of media output are you planning on creating and publishing. Please, remember that online forms lacking the information about planned media outputs will not receive a press pass. Only accredited journalists will receive free entry to paid festival productions.

For any additional inquiries, feel free to contact us

Janka Mikitkova photo

Mgr. art. Jana Mikitková
festival and programme director, media manager, + 421 908 801137